Flavia Pereira, a native of the Amazon rainforest, spent her early years immersed in the diverse cultural mosaic of southern Brazil. This vibrant tapestry, woven with threads of Portuguese, African, and Indigenous influences, and enriched by German, Italian, Japanese, and Arabic elements, shaped her worldview. The dynamic society, coupled with Brazil's breathtaking natural wonders captivated her.

Having initially pursued environmental economics, Flavia's career trajectory took her on a global journey, eventually settling in Denver. Despite outward stability, a growing sense of disconnection prompted her to seek a deeper purpose. This introspection led her back to the Amazon, where she fell in love with the exuberance of the natural world and the people who call the forest home. In the heart of the Amazon, she discovered communities living in harmony with their environment, fostering a deep respect for their surroundings.


As Flavia delved into the lives of indigenous communities, her admiration for them deepened. For these communities, the boundary between the real and spiritual worlds is blurred—everything is sacred, a gift from the gods. Their creations are an extension of themselves, crafted with heart and soul to contribute beauty to the world. Yet, despite their profound wisdom, indigenous people are disproportionately affected by climate change, struggling to protect their way of life and the precious rainforest.

And so, Anduba was born—a bridge between these two worlds. Its purpose is to bring the wisdom and beauty of indigenous cultures to us and provide the support they urgently need. In doing so, Anduba aims to bring us all closer to nature, infuse beauty into our lives, promote sustainable practices, and contribute to the conservation of the rainforest. By connecting these incredible people with a global audience, Anduba strives to foster understanding, appreciation, and collaborative efforts towards a more harmonious coexistence.